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Everyday uses of materials

Everyday uses of materials

Make a water container out of a paper towel to get children thinking about the importance of understanding material properties. Look closely at some great new vocabulary to describe materials and make a large glossary for the classroom. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Observational drawing of a favourite toy

Observational drawing of a favourite toy

Children learn the word ‘texture’. They look carefully at their favourite toy and talk about the feel and appearance. They decide which media they want to use to represent it and do a beautiful drawing! They talk about their work and the work of other people. Suitable for years 1 and 2.
Stars and Moon

Stars and Moon

Find out about stars and how they are grouped into constellations, despite being a long way from each other. Make a simple telescope to study the stars and a planisphere to identify them. Study the phases and apparent movement of the moon. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Ethiopian Inspiration

Ethiopian Inspiration

Think big and create a class mural based on the work of Afewerk Tekle. Children work collaboratively to plan and paint a mural with a biblical subject in the same style as Tekle.
The Healthy Box

The Healthy Box

Explore with Children the basis needs to ensure good health, and how they are interconnected using the concept of a ‘healthy box’. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
We All Say Hello

We All Say Hello

Play circle games to practice greeting each other confidently. How many ways do children know to say hello in a different language? Learn 3 new ways.
Animals including Humans - Healthy Animals - Year 2

Animals including Humans - Healthy Animals - Year 2

Hatch eggs and study the life cycle of chickens. Build understanding that exercise makes the heart work harder and that it is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Find out about healthy lunch box foods before designing and sharing your own snack. Includes 6 session plans & resources 01 - Hatching eggs! 02 - Babies! 03- Stranded! 04 - Healthy hearts! 05 - Deep inside my lunch box! 06 - Pack a healthy picnic! Hamilton’s science scheme provides children with a broad but comprehensive experience of primary science that systematically covers all of the National Curriculum for England objectives. Each year group is split into 6 blocks of 6 sessions, each of which can be completed within a half-term. We present them in a recommended teaching order, but you may adapt this to fit your requirements. Working scientifically, investigations and meaningful outcomes are fully incorporated in each block.
Minibeasts in local environment

Minibeasts in local environment

Go on a walk in the school grounds to discover there are different plants and animals in the local environment. Collect minibeasts. Think about where we might find them. Name, label and draw minibeasts back in the classroom. Suitable for Year 2 pupils.
Boat investigation

Boat investigation

In this session children investigate how the shape and surface area of a boat can affect how easily it can move through the water. Children test a variety of designs before creating bar charts to show their results. Suitable for Y4 pupils.


Discuss how the cartoons seen yesterday link to the book We Are All Born Free. Discuss how with rights come responsibilities and what responsibility means. Play the String Game using rights and responsibilities and discover how strong a net can be made. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Explore sight

Explore sight

Focus on the sense of sight. Play ‘Kim’s Game’ and identify some animal eyes. Discuss sensitivity of eyes and safety. Collect and group information about eye colour and create a pictogram of the results. Draw pictures of animals that can see in the dark. Suitable for Year 1 pupils.
Rock detectives

Rock detectives

Revisit vocabulary about properties of materials. Explore ‘what we know’ and ‘what we would like to know’. Go for a walk to identify how materials that come from rocks are used around the school. Suitable for Y3 pupils.
Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall

Children study old Roman maps and look at the walls that the Romans built to protect their empire. They study Hadrian’s wall and look at pictures. They create their own map of the boundaries of the Roman empire, drawing walls, marking rivers, coasts etc. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Researching Roman mosaics

Researching Roman mosaics

Children research the internet and non-fiction texts and look for information about Roman mosaics. They talk about the images that Romans used in creating these, and then use a software package to create their own mosaics. Some chn do further research. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
African Elections

African Elections

Africa is a large continent with over 50 countries – usually there is an election going on somewhere! Children research a current/recent election in Africa and/or the election of Barack Obama as President of USA. Discuss the significance of Obama’s election. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Personal Profile

Personal Profile

Use celebrity profiles to decide what children might include in their personal profile to introduce themselves to their link school friends. Listen to Ghanaian children describing themselves and their families. Prepare own profiles on screen or as recordings.
Sketch Maps and Plans

Sketch Maps and Plans

Sketch maps of the local area and plans of homes and other places will help their link school friends understand the children’s daily lives as described in their diaries. Look at OS maps and street plans. Children use symbols and a key to clarify their maps and plans. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
The sun

The sun

Show children that white light is actually a mixture of colours and that the Sun provides heat! Investigate sunspots using shadows and the rotation of the earth around its axis. Finally draw a graph of the number of sunspots a year and identify a pattern. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Life choices

Life choices

Session 1 - Think about all the different relationships that children have/will have with other people, leading to a discussion about marriage. Research marriage customs in different cultures. Children return to timelines and predict hopes and expectations for their future lives. Session 2 - Think about all the different relationships that children have / will have with other people, leading to a discussion about marriage. Research marriage customs in different cultures. Children return to timelines and predict hopes and expectations for their future lives. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Session 1 - Children consider the development that they have undergone since they were babies. Draw a timeline of their lives so far. Continue research into the life stages of another animal concentrating on how quickly the babies develop. Have a baby photo challenge! Session 2 - Look at the proportions of a human adult as shown by Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man. Investigate the shape changes between a baby and an adult human, concentrating on the head to body length ratio. Measure and draw graphs. Sketch children and adults in proportion. Suitable for Y6 pupils.